The 14th Emmanuel concert of contemporary Church music with a live band will take place over the next 3 nights in the Helix, starting tomorrow evening. Over 2500 secondary school students will be participating. Tickets are available at:
Girls’ summer camps July 2020
*Girls' summer camps*
The Michaela Foundation (set up in honour of Michaela McAreavey, Mickey Harte's daughter) runs summer camps for girls aged 11, 12 and 13. Campettes take part in 4 hours of different activities in each of the five elements: *Faith*, Fun, Fashion, Well being and Fáilte. They have camps in Knock Co. Mayo, Monaghan and in all the counties in Northern Ireland. Registration just opened today and already 3 camps are booked out! They have run 71 camps with over 6000 participants over the years. Check out for more.
Breakfast after morning Mass for secondary school students
Secondary school students are invited to breakfast after morning Mass for Lent in Navan.
Calling TY and 5th year students to Knock
On the 7th anniversary of Donal Walsh’s passing, secondary students are invited to a day of prayer and reflection in Knock in May.
Spring/summer 2020 family days
Come to Co. Tipperary for great family days organised by Holy Family Mission.