Faith Groups

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Limerick

The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia are now enrolling for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at the Holy Family Atrium in St. Saviour's Church in Limerick for children ages 3 - 12. Please email if you would like to register your children or to get more details.

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The Michaela Foundation - faith camps and activities

The Michaela Foundation is inspired by the life of Michaela McAreavey nee Harte. It runs summer camps and other initiatives for young people that encourage the practice of all the values Michaela, her family and friends hold dear. 
Their core values are as follows:

Irish – The love of Irish language and cultural identity
Faith – The development of trust and a relationship with God who loves us dearly.
Fun – Having fun throughout our life!
Well-Being – Looking after our mental and physical self and that of others
Fashion – An expression of our creativity and artistic self.

For more information visit their website: