Last Saturday a 5th class teacher shared about the joys of teaching the Catholic faith to his 5th class pupils.
Two newspapers articles on Catholic Schools Week and resources on same!
Click here and here for two articles in the Irish Times and Irish Independent respectively, celebrating Catholic Schools during Catholic Schools Week.
Resources for home, school and parish can be found here.
Click here for a Faithcast podcast featuring Principal and teacher Miriam McCabe talking about Catholic Schools Week.
NET Ministries in schools
NET Ministries give retreats to both primary and secondary schools. They also provide one day or a series of religion classes in schools. Get in touch with them today!
Fr. Mike Schmitz and evangelisation conference
There will be a workshop for young people aged 16+ at this Evangelisation conference in Cork in May. Childcare will be provided also. Book now!
70 parents receiving Confirmation training
Last Friday 70 parents received training in the Dublin Diocese to help prepare their children and children in their schools for Confirmation.