*Divine Mercy Sunday craft activity* Click below for a free craft activity to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday tomorrow! https://www.catholicicing.com/divine-mercy-jesus-craft/
Free YouTube film about Sr Clare Crockett
Sr Clare Crockett, born in 1982 in Derry, lived a typical teenage life until she had a conversion experience. She then joined a religious order and put her talents to the service of the poor. She always retained her sense of fun and love for life.
Below is a link to a documentary about her life, well worth watching with any teenagers in your house, as she is so easy to relate to!
Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of her passing.
Feast of St Bernadette - free film on YouTube about her life.
It's the feast of St Bernadette of Lourdes today. The classic film 'The Song of Bernadette' about her life and the apparitions at Lourdes is available to watch for free on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=wLKFAKIfn-w#menu
50 days of Easter challenge!
The Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre have created a 50 day challenge to help children live and celebrate the 50 days of Easter. There is an explanation booklet, prayer, ideas for the 50 days and record sheet available at: https://catecheticalcentre.org/primary-school-resources/celebrating-easter-fifty-days-of-easter-fifty-acts-of-love/
Daily activities based on Mass readings for children
*Everyday* the Clondalkin parishes in Dublin post a *wordsearch and colouring page* based on the *Mass readings* of the day to their website below: http://www.clondalkinparish.com/?p=4077