* Online Catholic summer camp for children ages 5-12 from 27th - 30th July 2020 - from Holy Family Mission, Waterford !*
Preparing at home for Confirmation
Great, free Confirmation resources for teachers and parents from the Limerick Diocese here including Matthew Kelly's 'Decision Point' series and Grow in Love links.
Science, religion and Catholic schools
"I grew up going to Catholic schools...it's worth noting that the biggest educator in science in the world today apart from states is the Catholic Church... the Catholic school system is providing basic scientific education across the world...and so I was a beneficiary of that."
Great 7 minute clip here touching on the Big Bang Theory, evolution, does science conflict with religion and Fr Conor's own regular, Catholic schooling in Ireland.
Present for my teacher - Mary’s Meals Fundraiser
We know that teachers don't expect a present from parents at the end of the year but if you wished to give one, Mary's Meals have a 'Present for my Teacher' fundraiser happening at the moment!
You can make a €5 or €10 donation and get a lovely cert to send either by email or print out for your teacher.
You can personalise the message on the cert and choose whether or not to put the amount donated on the cert.
This donation will help poorer children around the world receive food and education.
Click here for more.
Free online conference TODAY on marriage and parenting
"If you were perfect, your children would not know their need of the Lord"
Listen to lots of wonderful talks on marriage and parenting (including the Stefanicks quoted above!) TODAY at the free, virtual Joyful Ever After Catholic Conference.
Click here for more.