Today is the Feastday of St Dominic Savio, a great Saint for our children to learn about!
He was born in Riva, Italy on April 2, 1842. Even as a small boy, Dominic had an extraordinary love for God, and at 5 years old was already serving as an altar boy. When Dominic took his first Holy Communion at the age of 7, he chose the motto, “Death, but not sin!”
At the age of 12, he attended the Oratory of St. Francis De Sales, a school founded by John Bosco. Dominic was very mature for his age and was known for helping to resolve conflicts among the other boys at the school. He wanted to become a priest, but after hearing a sermon about sainthood, he set his sights higher.
One day it happened that the Dominic began to feel sick. A few days later, on March 9, 1857, after making confession and receiving the Eucharist, he went home to the Lord he loved so much. He was only 15 years old.
Dominic was canonized on June 12, 1954 by Pope Pius XII and is the patron of choirboys, the falsely accused, and juvenile delinquents.